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Is the a renewal or a new sponsorship?
New Sponsor
Will your donation be
Cash/Check/Card/Online Payment
In-Kind Donation
Combination of cash and In-Kind
Choose your sponsorship or membership level below:
Title Sponsor$25000
Premier (SOLD OUT)$20000
Opening Red Carpet (Logo on Step & Repeat)$5000
Award Ceremony$5000
Ticket Sponsor (SOLD OUT)$2500
Lanyard Sponsor (SOLD OUT)$2500
After Party Host$3500
Beverage Sponsor$2500
Food Sponsor ( 2 spots available)$2500
Trophy Sponsor (SOLD OUT)$2500
Film Screening Sponsor (7 spots available)$1000
Display Table (5 spots available)$500
Programming Book AD (Full Page)$1000
Programming Book AD (1/2 page)$500
If an Individual or do not want a logo on website, please make choice below
List my name instead of logo on website/screen
Do not list me on website/screen
I choose to be anonymous

I agree as a sponsor ( if billed) to pay by December 31st before the festival and agree that the sponsorship package presented is agreed upon. If In-Kind , I agree to provide materials during the festival. If I accept the sponsorship perks and do not deliver, I agree that the festival can bill me for the amount indicated of the in-kind donation.

Select all other check boxes if they are apart of your agreement
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